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Make Mistakes, Get Messy: How Autocorrect Might Ultimately Cause Our Downfall
We live in a digital age. Word processing has provided people remarkable assistance in writing cleaner and more sophisticated paragraphs....

Don’t Panic! A Ridiculously Nerdy Test Launch of the World’s Most Powerful Rocket
February 6, 2018 marked the day Stephen Colbert renounced his title as “King Nerd”. What sparked this egregious announcement, you might...

Deerfield Academy Meets LIGO
What would it be like to “hear” the universe? The detection of gravitational waves by Project LIGO provides the answer. In February of...

Chasing the Great American Solar Eclipse
Some people spend their lives chasing eclipses, and some have yet to see their first. Thousands of both categories flocked to remote...

Deerfield Students March for Science
2017 Boston March, photo by the author “What do we want? Evidence-based science! When do we want it? After a peer review!” Over 1 million...

The Paris Climate Agreement: What Just Happened?
On June 1st President Donald Trump announced that the US was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. His reasons centered around...
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